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广州丽欧特美生物科技有限公司 [百度一下]
公司地址:广州市 白云区机场路1718号悦成商务中心715室
专业培训 岗位晋升 节日福利带薪年假员工旅游
丽欧特美生物科技有限公司是一家集研发、生产、销售于一身的综合性公司。公司产品品种齐全,从健康皮肤的日常护理到问题肌肤的特效修复,产品深受广大消费者的喜爱。本公司是马来西亚NeoDermal Beauty Group Sdn Bhd在中国大陆地区的子公司。我们的用人理念是:态度与专业相结合、学历与经验相结合、效率与效果相结合、效益与待遇相结合!为员工提供充足的成长空间及全面人性化的福利待遇。公司的员工和业务精英可派往马来西亚接受培训和考取相关证书。
Corporate Vision: 公司目标:
Enhancing total wellness and enriching lives of people of the world
Corporate Mission: 公司使命:
To be a leading global total wellness company offering great products, solutions and services.
To achieve sustainable growth profitability and brand equity
To provide world class customer satisfaction through Interactive Experience
Corporate Value: 公司价值:
Quality, Value Integrity and Commitment to Customers, Employees and Shareholders
Introduction 公司介绍:
NeoDermal Beauty Group Sdn Bhd is a full service contract product development laboratory serving wholesalers, skin care professionals, resellers, and direct-to-market distributors in Asia and North America. The company was founded by founded by Sharon Pang who has been in the beauty industry for more than 15 years of experience. She is also recognized by Malaysian Authority as industry expert.
The company has been engaged in the business of full service beauty salon, designing, producing, and distributing skincare products through dealerships, franchise and ecommerce for global markets since year 2002. The company recently completed 12 months of research and development for Neodermal Roller - a new patented skincare tool that is now being introduced to target audiences in Asia and the world.
NeoDermal Beauty Group Sdn Bhd 是集护肤产品研发,生产销售,为一体,产品经销于亚洲和北美洲.公司创办人Sharon Pang在美容行业已经具有15年经验,她也是由马来西亚政府认可的美容行业专家.
公司从2002年开始从事电子商务,业务包括:护肤产品的研发和生产,美容院经营,各种护肤产品通过经销商打入全球性市场. 公司近12个月内完成了一种被称为NeoDermal Roller的护肤工具的研究和开发,现正推广给亚洲乃至世界的目标客户.
With in-depth knowledge of personal care technology, industry trends, product positioning and large-scale manufacturing, NeoDermal Beauty Group Sdn Bhd works with a team of external dermatologists, plastic surgeons, independent chemists and testing organizations through each phase of product conceptualization, research and development and increasing distribution. Its team of experts specializes in providing innovative product concepts, efficacious active complexes and new methods to improve the delivery of active ingredients for multi-functional products that achieve highly improved results. The fruits of this ongoing research are highly-differentiated products that are, quite simply, vastly superior to existing rival brands on the market.
Based in Malaysia, the company continues its pursuit of new technology and excellence, quickly bringing new products to the marketplace that addresses professional esthetician’s needs.
We are confident that you will be as pleased and excited about the products as we are here at NeoDermal Beauty Group Sdn Bhd. It remains our goal to develop cosmeceutical and nutraceutical solutions that make a difference.
NeoDermal Beauty Group Sdn Bhd与皮肤专家,整形外科医生,独立化学家和测试组织一起对每样产品研究测试,对专门研究提供全新产品概念,改造有效成分达到的多功能产品.这一研究成果是区别于市场同类产品的优势.
在马来西亚,公司在新产品,新技术创新的孜孜追求上受到专业美容师的欢迎,我们确信您将对我们的产品感到喜悦和激动.坚持产品创新,让每一个人美丽起来是 NeoDermal Beauty Group Sdn Bhd的追求目标!
交通信息:(公交车—黄石路口站即到)黄石路口公交车站是广州交通网络重要站点之一, 经过黄石路口的线路有187路,198路,21路,244短线,244路,251路,254路,268路,274路,280路,291A短线环线,291A路环线,291B短线环线,291B路环线,298路,32路,510路,511A路,511路,511路石龙班车,519路,523路,523路大朗支线,528路,555路,556路,58A快线,58A路,58路,803A路,803路,807路,810路,832路,840路,886A路,886路,高速专线2路,高峰快线43路,高峰快线44路,高峰快线45路,高峰快线5路,夜12路,夜22路,夜26路,夜35路,夜76路等公交线路;


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